Today's LPC portfolio, which is divided into five categories and includes more than 325 ARM-based devices, continues to expand and break new ground. Whether you're looking for a cost-effective upgrade for an existing 8/16-bit design or you're working on a high-end system that needs maximum speed or computational performance, the LPC portfolio has exactly what you need.
The NXP iMX RT family of chips are fast. The minimum clock speed you'll see is around 500MHz. They're a Cortex M7 based microcontroller family, which means they're more efficient at code execution than an M4 as well. In terms of flash, there is always an external flash chip that is shared between the native CircuitPython code and the user filesystem. In most cases, you'll have more RAM than a SAMD51, but not in all cases for this chip line. The low end of the line will have less RAM than the SAMD51, but the code will run faster. It also has native high speed USB connectivity.
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