This book is designed to serve as a convenient quick-reference guide to the grammar of classical sanskrit, for the use of university students and others. It is not intended to be a complete grammar of the language.
This book is designed to serve as a convenient quick-reference guide to the grammar of classical sanskrit, for the use of university students and others. It is not intended to be a complete grammar of the language. This book also presents essential reference information in Tables. Romanized transcription is used throughout, and some innovative modes of description and presentation are adopted. This manual will be found a valuable, 'user-friendly' companion to existing grammars, such as Whitney's. Though primarily intended for beginners and intermediate students, it will be of use to scholars working with Sanskrit at any level.
Sanskrit manual
The printed text includes a series of five short chapters. Chapter 1 is a brief introduction of the kūṭiyāṭṭaṁ theatre while chapter 2 contextualizes and introduces the acting manual. The third chapter provides an introduction to the Rāmāyaṇa performance within kūṭiyāṭṭaṁ that has been assembled from three different Sanskrit dramas. Chapter 4 introduces the production manual which informs the staging andacting of the Rāmāyaṇa text; chapter 5 introduces the acting manual per se and how it is used in teaching. A bilingual Malayalam/English translation of the text allows the reader to have a sense of the text as a whole. There is also a complete Malayalam script version of the acting manual, with notation of each specific hand gesture used to deliver the text, linked by number to Venu G.'s system of notation for each gesture, incorporating documentation of hand positions, movement of the eyes, etc. As laid out below, the ninth chapter provides a complete bilingual (Romanized) version of the text, with both a literal and a more fluid translation in English.
One thread of inquiry regarding the forms of documents in circulation in South Asia and their stability that Lawforms Project team members have been pursuing is to consider manuals and didactic literature. Between December 2018 and July 2019, we surveyed manuals in various languages and held a project meeting on this subject. Some of the texts we examined contained guides to various technical aspects of administration and business, such as tables of weights and measures or organizational charts of various posts. Others, in line with the well-known Forms of Harkaran (edited and published by Francis Balfour in 1781), contain sample documents for various functions, offering models to scribes (munshis). 2ff7e9595c