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Michael Mühlhaus, Friedrich Jondral:A Fully Blind Receiver for Automatic Modulation Classification of MIMO SignalsProceedings of the 8th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, Karlsruhe, Germany, March 2014, pp. 148-152Abstract:Automatic modulation classification (AMC) finds its applications in spectrum surveillance, in signals intelligence, and nowadays in cognitive radios. Many articles examine the problem of AMC in single input single output (SISO) systems. Modern communications standards often use multiple input multiple outputs (MIMO) transmission that causes a rising interest in the AMC of MIMO signals. Usually in the literature a perfectly synchronized system is assumed. In this contribution, we extend these ideas to a fully blind receiver that does not require any a-priori knowledge of the transmitted signal. We propose methods for blind frequency, symbol rate, timing, channel, and phase estimation, as well as a low complexity AMC algorithm. Furthermore, the entire receiver is verified by the test bed using universal software Radio Platforms (USRP).[ back to overview]

Cdma Workshop Software Full Version Free 14

Georg Vallant, Michael Epp, Markus Allen, Mikko Valkama, Friedrich K. ]ondral:System-Level Mitigation of Undersampling ADC. Nonlinearity for High-IF Radio ReceiversFrequenz, Vol. 66(9-10), pp. 311-319Abstract:Over the last years ongoing advances in ADC technology have enabled RF signals to be sampled at IF frequencies. Undersampling is nowadays employed in software-defined radio or radar receivers and offers the possibility to relieve requirements in the analog receiver partition. Unfortunately, when moving to higher IF concepts, this becomes demanding for the ADC itself, because of inherent spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) roll-off that increases with input frequency. This fact often limits the receiver's IF placement to Nyquist zone (NZ) 2. In this work the emerging concept of Digital Assistance is pursued to give the receiver access to higher NZs while making no compromise on the SFDR. We will present and discuss post correction results for two 16-bit high-speed converters from two different vendors at 120 and 125 MSPS, respectively. The proposed system-level post correction decomposes nonlinearity into a static and a dynamic part. For both ADCs under investigation the degraded SFDR in higher NZs could be improved by up to 15 dB using purely digital linearization technologies, thus increasing the detectability of small signals in the presence of very strong signals or interferers. Near-identical results for both ADCs confirm the general validity of the system-level correction approach.[ back to overview]

Moritz Fischer, Martin Braun, Jens P. Elsner, Friedrich K. Jondral:An Over-the-Air Reconfiguration API for Experimental Cognitive Radio Setups2011 Wireless Innovation Forum European Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radios (SDR'11-WInnComm-Europe), 22-24 June, Brussels, BelgiumAbstract:We present a software solution for over-the-air reconfiguration of remote software radio terminals using the free GNU Radio toolkit, facilitating the development of Cognitive Radio applications. The modular architecture allows for separating the cognitive engine from the signal processing algorithms, thus allowing fast implementation, verification and easier testing.[ back to overview]

Friedrich K. Jondral, Hanns-Ulrich Dehner, Michael Mühlhaus (Editors):Proceedings of the 6th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software RadiosKarlsruhe, Germany, March 2010Preface:On March 29, 2000, I had the honor to open the 1st Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios. This is now almost ten years ago and I am very proud to welcome you today to the 6th workshop in this series. This time we are going to have 30 presentations from academia as well as from industry.In 2000 the development of software radios was at its starting point. Today, there is a well established market for Software Defined Radios and the focus of research projects is on cognitive radio networking, adaptive resource allocation, or overlay systems, just to name a few topical fields. At least in Western Europe, we see that the research in mobile radio changes from big infrastructure systems to self organizing ad hoc networks that are themselves again connected to IP-based infrastructure networks. New interesting challenges are waiting for us!The program of the 6th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Defined Radios is divided into the sessions

The problem of applying FDE without zero-padding or cyclic-prefix insertion is solved by using the overlapcut method. In this paper we also prove that the performance of the FDE-SUD is practically identical to that of linear MUD for a fully loaded UMTS cell. Furthermore, armed with the idea of FDE for code division multiple access (CDMA), we can construct a common receiver structure for CDMA, time division mul-tiple access (TDMA), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multi-carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) systems. This is an extremely useful idea in enabling a software-defined radio (SDR) which can operate seamlessly in several environments such as UMTS, the IEEE 802.11a and WiMaX. FDE based receivers could be one important building-block for the next generation mobile communications.[back to overview]

Friedrich K. Jondral:Cognitive Radio - A Necessity for Spectrum PoolingProceedings of the Journées Scientifique "Vers des Radiocommunications Reconfigurables et Cognitives", Comité National Français de Radioélectricité Scientifique, Section française de l' U.R.S.I., Paris (France), March 28/29, 2006Abstract:The demand for wireless communication capacities is continuously growing. This is especially true for cellular and also for wireless local area networks (WLANs). The options for increasing capacity are to apply advanced signal processing technologies in "traditional" frequency regions or to open up higher frequency ranges. The second alternative, however, is somewhat difficult in mobile applications because the radio wave propagation becomes nastier with increasing frequency.Recent measurements (e.g. in New York City [1]) indicate that the average spectrum utilization for frequencies below 6 GHz is in the order of 15%. That is that a huge capacity gain for these frequencies should be possible with the implementation of advanced signal processing technologies. One of them, spectrum pooling, is the starting point of this talk.This talk discusses the spectrum pooling approach [2] that enables public access to already licensed frequency bands. The notion spectrum pool basically represents the idea of merging spectral ranges from different spectrum owners (military, trunked radio, etc.) into a common pool. It reflects the need for a completely new way of spectrum allocation. From this common spectrum pool hosted by the so-called licensed system, public rental users may temporarily rent spectral resources during idle periods of licensed users. The basic proposition is that the licensed system does not need to be changed. The installed hardware can be operated like there was no other system present in the same frequency range. This approach kills two birds with one stone. Rental users obtain access to spectral ranges they have not yet been allowed to use, and the actual license owners can tap new sources of revenue for a good they have not been using intensively anyway. A multitude of juridical and economic consequences occurs when implementing the idea of spectrum pooling in a real system. Concerning the regulatory aspects of spectrum pooling, one must say that regulators are well aware of the fact that public mobile radio spectrum is falling short, and considerations toward secondary use of already licensed frequency bands are going on. After all, it is a political question whether this new concept will be admitted. However, once the technical obstacles are overcome and the feasibility of spectrum pooling is proven, politics cannot refuse this idea. The economic questions that must be answered are currently subject to scientific investigations in research projects funded by the European Union involving a variety of topnotch industrial partners and leading edge research institutions. Despite all the interesting juridical and economic aspects, this talk focuses on the technical challenges spectrum pooling implies. First, a short introduction to the general structure of a spectrum pooling transceiver and the utilized orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme on the rental user side is given, which is essential to understanding the remainder of this contribution. After investigations of spectrum pooling, specific tasks in the physical layer, and problems and their solutions concerning the MAC layer of the rental system are presented.Obviously, receivers in a spectrum pooling rental system must be able to detect temporarily idle frequencies very fast. This is a typical task for a cognitive radio that comes into the game when considering what follows: Today spectrum is regulated by governmental agencies like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US or the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) in Germany. "Spectrum" is assigned to users or licensed to them on a long term basis normally for huge regions like whole countries. Doing so, resources are wasted. It is our vision that spectrum within a large frequency range (that has to be defined by governments) becomes free for open access such that resources are assigned only as long as they are needed by the user. Moreover, spectrum is assigned on a regional basis obeying that stations using identical frequencies cannot interfere. Already existing examples for self regulation of networks are WLANs (IEEE 802.11) or ultra wide band (UWB) systems.A cognitive radio (CR) is a software defined radio (SDR) that additionally senses its environment, tracks changes and reacts upon its findings. A CR is an autonomous unit in a communications environment. In order to use the spectral resource most efficiently, it has to


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